PAID SCANDAL By The Government to Science for over 60 years

Science Chasing the money for fake research.
Political Scandal.

John Coleman
Climate Emergencies 1966 – Oil gone in 10 years 1967 – Dire famine forecast by 1975 1968 – Overpopulation will spread worldwide 1969 – Everyone will disappear in a Cloud of Blue Steam in 1989 1970 – World will use up its natural resources by 2000 1970 – Urban citizens will require gas mask by 1985 1970 – Nitrogen buildup will make all lands unusable 1970 – Decaying pollution will kill all the fish 1970s – Killer Bees!!! 1970 – Ice Age by 2000 1970 – Americans will be subjected to water rationing by 1975 and food rationing by 1980 1971 – New Ice Age coming by 2020 or 2030 1972 – New Ice Age by 2070 1972 – Oil depleted in 20 years 1974 – Space satellites show New Ice Age coming fast 1974 – Another Ice Age? 1974 – Ozone depletion a great peril to life 1976 – Scientific consensus planet cooling; famines imminent 1977 – Department of Energy says oil will peak in 90s. 1978 – No end in sight to 30-year global cooling 1980 – Acid rain kills life in lakes 1980 – Peak oil in 2000 1988 – Regional drought (that never happened) in 90s. 1988 – Temperatures in DC will hit record high (no records broken) 1988 – Maldive Islands will be underwater by 2018 (nope) 1989 – Rising sea level will obliterate nations if nothing done by 2000. 1989 – New York City Westside Highway underwater by 2018. 1990 – Cellphones caused cancer 1996 – Peak oil in 2020 2000 – Children won’t know what snow is 2001 – WiFi causes cancer 2002 – Famines if we don’t give up eating fishes, meat, and diary 2002 – Peak oil in 2010 2004 – Britain will be Siberia by 2024 2005 – Manhattan underwater by 2015 2006 – Super Hurricanes!!! 2008 – Arctic will be ice-free by 2018 2008 – Climate genius Al Gore predict ice-free Arctic by 2013 2009 – Climate genius Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world 2009 UK Prime Ministers says 50 days to “save planet from catastrophe” 2009 Al Gore moves ice-free Arctic prediction from 2013 to 2014 2010 – 4G cell tower causes cancers. 2013 Arctic ice-free by 2015 2014 Only 500 days before climate chaos 2019 – Hey Greta, we really need you to convince them this time. 2020 – Australian bush fires are caused by climate change. 2020 – 5G cellular towers causes cancers. 2020 – Polar bears could be lost by 2100 2021 – Volcano caldera ready to wipe out civilization.

Climate Change is “BALONEY” nothing has changed.

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